It’s been a while

It’s been nearly a month since I last found the time and the will to write here. A lot has been going on, I started Uni, I’ve since deferred because childcare is too stressful for Eve, and the days have ticked away to this special day.

Today we spent most of the day running around like headless chickens fixing last minute issues (and while minor incredibly stressful at the time) with the bank for our house settlement.

In the end they are fixed and this evening we are officially home owners. Tomorrow we begin the long road of moving in and making our neglected house into a beautiful and much loved home.

Eve’s worn out at the very thought of it.


I’m just excited!

It’s been a while

It’s been nearly a month since I last found the time and the will to write here. A lot has been going on, I started Uni, I’ve since deferred because childcare is too stressful for Eve, and the days have ticked away to this special day.
Today we spent most of the day running around like headless chickens fixing last minute issues (and while minor incredibly stressful at the time) with the bank for our house settlement.

In the end they are fixed and this evening we are officially home owners. Tomorrow we begin the long road of moving in and making our neglected house into a beautiful and much loved home.

Eve worn out at the very thought of it.

I’m just excited!

One foot out the door

Today we got the keys to our new place, Miss Squiggles stuff was the first car load to go around while we had another look today.
It is so much more spacious than our current digs. I can’t wait until we move in properly this weekend. There’s no actual rush seeing we are stuck with the current place for a five week overlap, but I am dying to get out of here, if we could move in tonight we would be!

But hopefully we’ll be in this weekend and can slowly clean the current place so I don’t get too worn out doing it.
I will be glad to see the end of boxes and to begin preparing Miss Squiggles room for her arrival.
I wouldn’t mind the boxes so much if they looked like this.


Ps why are places always dirtier when I move in than I would ever dare leave them when I move out?

One foot out the door

Today we got the keys to our new place, Miss Squiggles stuff was the first car load to go around while we had another look today.It is so much more spacious than our current digs. I can’t wait until we move in properly this weekend. There’s no actual rush seeing we are stuck with the current place for a five week overlap, but I am dying to get out of here, if we could move in tonight we would be!

But hopefully we’ll be in this weekend and can slowly clean the current place so I don’t get too worn out doing it.
I will be glad to see the end of boxes and to begin preparing Miss Squiggles room for her arrival.
I wouldn’t mind the boxes so much if they looked like this.

Ps why are places always dirtier when I move in than I would ever dare leave them when I move out?

Knitty Bits

After a bit of a break I’ve been trying to squeeze some knitting in seeing we’re having a winter baby and I can use that knowledge that my Nan passed on.
So far I’ve finished a little blue cardigan, which I’ve secured with my Nans’ brooch (which I wore to our registry office ceremony).

And am currently working on a shrug.

I’m putting off completion of the mobile as it requires felting and I’ve never done that before, I’m a bit worried about trashing the work I’ve done on it so far. But when I get over that I’ll post some pics.

In other news please keep your fingers crossed, our moving deadline is creeping closer and we saw a house we love today, hopefully we’ll get some good news tomorrow.

Moving house

We signed the lease on our new home today *yay*

This weekend is earmarked for getting rid of superfluous things as I attempt to do every single time I move.  Considering how often I move I still have a surprisingly large amount of crap.

I have moved home 26 times – this will be my 27th.

I really should be an expert by now.

I’m not.

The boxes on the right are how my packing starts out, logically neatly stacked and ready to go. About half way through I start throwing in whatever I can get my hands on not worrying about stuff breaking or not. It looks like the boxes on the left, only worse.

In case you haven’t guessed there is usually a second throw out, of crap that escaped during the second phase of packing, at the new house.

It is definitely a lot harder now that I have children,when I moved to Canberra I moved with a red bag that was smaller than my current hand bag, I still have it.

Last time we moved it was two loads in one of those little drive yourself trucks that I am proud to say I drove without so much as putting a scratch on it.  This time we have a week overlap between rentals so we are moving the major stuff on the first weekend and then I will load up the car to take whatever we didn’t do on the day we hire the truck.

Happily by moving on the first weekend, I get to be in there before my birthday.

This year no relatives are coming to visit on my birthday, it will be lovely.

It would be perfect if I could buy a comfy chair as a present to myself.